Saturday, August 30, 2014


It really is hot today, but I must take old Tess out for a quick walk. If I don’t, she will surely pee on the carpet again. She seems confused and unhappy, but I have no idea what I can do to cheer her up. The day is coming when I will have to carry her up the stairs like a baby. What ignominy for my dear friend. She used to be the smartest dog on the block. In the dog park she would race around with other dogs, always coming back to me when I called. She has been my faithful companion for many years, and seen me through many difficult times, such as when I left town for a new job. I don’t think she hears much now, and I can see the cataracts shining like moons in her eyes. I know we only have a little time left together, and I want to make it good for her. 
Tess: Hot and humid weather has hit us, and today we have to go for a walk again. She pulls on the leash, wanting me to hurry. My left back leg is so stiff and sore I am not sure it will continue holding me up. Can a dog go on three legs? And the other three feel wobbly and unsure. My ears and my tail are drooping but she doesn’t seem to notice. How can I tell her that this is no fun for me? I used to love our walks. We would play together, chase and run, catch the ball, play hide and seek. She even let me sleep with her on the bed. When I was young I could hold my pee for many, many hours. No self-respecting dog likes to foul her own bed. Now she doesn’t let me on the bed, and I certainly can’t jump up by myself. These days my food tastes bland and slimy and I don’t feel like eating much. I can’t help dreaming of a steak—a nice T-bone all of my own. Well, I can dream, can’t I?

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